This month we are highlighting a student who is a member of the class of 2023 at Warner Pacific University. This Q&A aims to shed light on Briseyda’s accomplishments, provide insights into her WPU journey, and inspire others.  

What has your higher education journey looked like?
My education journey has been marked by financial constraints and the need to work to support my studies. Despite these challenges, I successfully earned my first bachelor’s degree with the help of scholarships and financial aid. Now, I am working towards my second bachelor’s degree, balancing work and education while maintaining my determination and resilience to achieve my goals to become a Nurse Practitioner.

What did you study at Warner Pacific University?
I earned my Bachelors in Biological Sciences and minored in Chemistry and Psychology. Now I’m working towards my BSN.

Who was your biggest influence during your time at Warner Pacific?
Dr. Tripp, Dr. Terrell, and Dr. Petshow were undoubtedly my biggest influences during my time at WPU. They witnessed my growth, offered unwavering support, and served as a constant source of inspiration, imparting valuable knowledge and guidance for both my personal and academic development.

How do you maintain a work/life balance?
Maintaining work/life balance as a first-generation student involves prioritizing self-care, setting goals, managing time effectively, and seeking support from mentors and loved ones to navigate the demands of work and education while ensuring moments of relaxation and rejuvenation.

What are you most proud of in your journey at Warner Pacific University?
What I am most proud of is recognizing my personal growth and being able to expand my critical thinking abilities.

What advice do you have for incoming students?
My advice would be to embrace a growth mindset and be open to new experiences and challenges. Seek support from professors, mentors, and fellow students, as they can provide guidance and valuable insights and lastly, please please prioritize yourself!!!