Best Online Schools Oregon logoDid you know that in Oregon, 30 colleges and universities offer online degree programs, making earning a higher education degree easier than ever? The online degrees offered through our Adult Degree Program were recently recognized by Accredited Schools Online as one of the best in the state.

Ranked 2nd in the state for 2016, Warner Pacific’s online program balances academic rigor, student support, and affordability.

According to a recent study by the Babson Survey Research Group, 14% of undergraduate students in Oregon are enrolled in at least one online class. We are meeting the needs of these students by offering excellence in education and work-life-study balance.

“We wanted to recognize schools that are implementing convenient and cutting-edge technological learning opportunities to all students,” said Doug Jones, CEO and Founder of Accredited Schools Online. “These schools are not only offering exceptional programs, but they have expanded their program excellence to the much-desired online environment.”

Ranked schools meet a number of criteria and metrics, including:

  • Must offer an Associate’s degree or higher
  • Must be a public or private, not-for-profit institution
  • Must offer at least one fully-online associate’s degree program began in 2011 to provide quality data and information about pursuing an affordable, quality education. Their free community resource materials and tools span topics such as financial aid and college savings, opportunities for veterans and people with disabilities, and online learning resources.