The Other College Guide provides “honest and practical information” students need to help in the college selection process. Unlike other guides, this one is based on the best available data on what really matters to you: which schools will charge you a fair price and not bury you in debt? Which help students graduate? Which provide degrees that allow you to earn a decent income?

The 2015 “Best Bang for the Buck” list shows which schools in the West are the best value for your money based on “net” (not sticker) price, how well they do graduating the students they admit, and whether those students go on to earn at least enough to pay off their loans.

Out of the 233 colleges included in this list for 2015, Warner Pacific is ranked at 70th nationwide and 5th for Oregon (out of the 20 schools from Oregon included).

Warner Pacific offers many scholarships, a tuition that is lower than most private colleges, and a loan repayment assistance program for incoming freshmen.