Top Education Degrees selects Warner PacificThe College was recently identified as one of the 50 Most Affordable Small Colleges for a Master’s in Education (in Early Childhood Education and Middle/High School Education) by Top Education Degrees. Warner Pacific is the only school from Oregon included on their list.

The College offers education degrees in early childhood education through high school level instruction as well as two paths towards earning a master’s degree in education.

Through the College’s unique 4.5 MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching), students can specialize in a subject that interests them such as science, business, English, or music; then towards the end of their bachelor’s program, add education courses so they finish with a bachelor’s and a Master of Arts in Teaching in less total time.

Throughout spring semester and during summer break, Dr. Robert Nava, Chair of the Warner Pacific Department of Education, is routinely contacted by local school districts and private schools looking for candidates for the coming school year. These districts are even coming directly to the Warner Pacific campus in SE Portland to recruit students prior to graduation. Students do need to complete their teaching certification prior to stepping into the classroom.

“All of our 2015 education graduates are working,” reports Dr. Nava.

According to Top Education Degrees, “cost is always a concern for students wishing to return to school to complete an advanced degree. After searching College Navigator for all schools in the United States that offer a master in education degree and have an undergraduate enrollment of fewer than 5,000 students, we have discovered the following 50 most affordable small colleges for a master’s in education,” including Warner Pacific College.

Find out more about Warner Pacific’s education degrees:

  • Bachelor degree in early childhood/elementary education
  • Bachelor degree in middle/high school education
  • Master of Arts in Teaching (accelerated 4.5 program)
  • Master of Arts in Teaching (adult degree program)

Top Education Degrees is an online source for quality information about education degree programs.